Each one “pledged to work” the day he/her signed his Peace Corps application. We trained for five months. The days grew long while we studied Portuguese and learned of Dom Pedro, but free hours seemed so short when we rested and speculated about our yet-to-come adventures in Brazil. We listened to those who had “been there”, and tried to draw all the bits of information together to form a complete picture of what to expect, what we would do and how to do that task. At the end of our Peace Corps training program we received our partner and work site assignments. Then we were ready to work.
In Washington D. C. we met Sargent Shriver at a reception in the Capitol. At his right is Senator Hubert Humphrey.
At the end of the first training we held a graduation ceremony in the National 4-H Foundation, Washington D.C.
Several volunteers listen as Mayra Anderson contributes to a discussion group.
PCV,s celebrate their last day in training camp in Puerto Rico. In the center in white shirt is Big Al (Ferraro) camp staff member.
John Dolan and Lorraine Farinha re-board the jet plane after a stop in Trinidad before continuing on to Brazil.
NPCV’s gather in front of the U. S. embassy in Rio de Janeiro during their training.
In the main building at the Rural university near Rio de Janeiro volunteers studied Portuguese six hours a day for sis weeks.
Volunteers concentrate on learning Brazilian songs one warm afternoon at the Rural university.
John Dolan and Dave Fleischer relax after Portuguese class, playing chess in their room.
During a field trip visit to a 4-S Club in Teresópolis Esther Diaz speaks for the PCV’s.