Every week, David Fleischer, an emeritus professor at the University of Brasilia and former visting scholar at the Brazil Initiative, publishes Brazil Focus, a must-read newsletter on all of the most imporant happenings in Brazil from the previous week. 

David Fleischer was born in Washington, DC in 1941 and holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Florida (1972).  He worked in rural extension in Minas Gerais (1962-64) as a Peace Corps Volunteer and returned to the Federal University of Minas Gerais(UFMG) as a visiting professor in the Political Science Dept.-DCP (1969-71).  Fleischer joined the faculty of the University of Brasília (UnB) in 1972, where he was Chair of the Dept. of Political Science and International Relations (1985-1989) and member of the University Council (1985-1993).  In 2003, he retired from UnB but continued as a visiting adjunct until January 2005, when the University Council awarded him the status of Emeritus Professor.  From May 2005 until February 2007, David was Director of the School of Social and Political Science at UniDF – Centro Universitário do Distrito Federal – a private university in Brasília.

This information it is only a way to share with our fellow RPCV Brazil 4-S Projects [1962-1966], the intellectual work of David (Dr. David Fleischer). The following link will take you to the Brazil Focus, a weekly publication of David Fleischer, you probably receive it every week in your e-mail box.
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