The following information has been taken from the IFYE Website, click here to go to the original document, page 5 of IFYE News.
Warren E. Schmidt
Advocate for Worldwide Youth Development and 4-H Education and Exchange
3 June 1917 - 20 November 2007
Warren E. Schmidt (left) was a real visionary when it came to 4-H International development, education, exchange and training. He was a key player when Dr. Edward W. Aiton coordinated the establishment of the International Farm Youth Exchange-now the International Four-H Youth Exchange (IFYE) - in 1948, the first of many 4-H International programs that have provided cross-cultural experiences for thousands of youth and adults and families in the U.S. and over 90 countries around the world.
An avid Wisconsin 4-H member, Warren liked to share that the opportunity to exhibit next to another 4-H’er at the Wisconsin State Fair named Marjorie was the beginning of a courtship that lasted over 65 years. They were married June 13, 1941. Marjorie died in December 2003.
Warren’s early education was in a two-room school in Jefferson, Wisconsin, next to a small airport. He would sell soft drinks at the airport to make some money. He once sold a bottle to Charles Lindbergh and had an opportunity to sit in the “Spirit of St. Louis!”
He received his B.S. degree from the University of Wisconsin and an M.A. in Rural Sociology from Ohio State. A member of the track team at both universities he loved to tell of how he once competed with “the” Jesse Owens! No competition!
Following his years in the U.S. Navy during WWII, he served as Youth Program Specialist with the Extension Service at Ohio State and the University of Connecticut. He joined the staff of the Federal Extension Service in the late 40s and soon transferred to the National 4-H Foundation (now Council) as Director of 4-H International Programs. He was instrumental in the impressive expansion of the IFYE program and provided coordination and leadership for the first of several 4-H Peace Corps programs.
He was chairman of the 4-H committee of the People to People program, established by President Eisenhower, and served on the board of The Experiment in International Living, now one of the many programs of World Learning. Warren and Marge were life members of the IFYE Association of the USA.
He joined the Rural Youth Division of the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in Rome in 1965. They lived in Italy until their retirement to Naples, Florida, in 1978.
Grant A. Shrum, president emeritus of National 4-H Council (pictured left with Schmidt in 1965), wrote that Warren was “a capable, enthusiastic and effective advocate of the development of greater understanding between people everywhere.”
W. Francis Pressly, who directed the 4-H Peace Corps project in Brazil and succeeded Schmidt as Director of 4-H International Programs at National 4-H Council, wrote “he was a man committed to rural youth development around the world and an inspiration to all of us dedicated to the cause.”
Brazil Peace Corps Volunteers Reunion - National 4-H Center - 1981
Warren (7th from left) and Marjorie (4th from left) Schmidt and Francis Pressly (5th from left)
IFYE/4-H Peace Corps-Brazil Alumni
The seven IFYE alumni who joined the Peace Corps in 1962 as pictured with the late Warren E. Schmidt (center right) on the front page (and above) include (l-r) Angelica Simmons Walton, VA-Switzerland 1959 (deceased); Corrine A. Hay, NJ-France while in Brazil); and W. Francis Pressly, NC-Italy 1951, Director, 4-H Peace Corps program in Brazil January1962-December 1964.